Our next EVENT will be on:

2.26.2011 - 1-4pm

The Charles H. Johnson Urban Organic Garden Farm Stand Charrette

at The Martin Luther King Jr. Reading & Cultural Center, 636 Herron Ave. Pittsburgh 15219

afhpittsburgh@gmail.com to be added to our email blasts.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

AFH:pgh + MLK farm stand design

come join us as we design a new farm stand, part of our project to build and design a new fence for the charles h. johnson urban organic community garden. rsvp's preferred but not required. the farm stand will outfit a place for participating children to sell the produce they grow and harvest in the community garden, providing a unique learning opportunity. this interactive event is an opportunity for people in the community to learn more about the project, and to contribute thoughts towards the design of the farm stand. there will be fun activities for people of all ages to get excited about the Charles H. Johnson Urban Organic Garden and share their input. snacks provided.

Monday, November 8, 2010

sock monkeys!

come join product lexicon for a sock monkey-making afternoon! learn how to make sock monkeys that will be donated to the kids at children's hospital. $5 donation for supplies or a fresh clean fun pair of socks for your monkey!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cameron Sinclar

Come see Cameron Sinclair speak tonight!
IBEW Lecture Hall
5 Hot Metal St, South Side
5:50-6:30pm reception
6:30-8pm talk
$30, $15 for students

Friday, October 1, 2010

AFH:pgh Think & Drink

join the pittsburgh chapter of architecture for humanity to brainstorm some ideas for pittsburgh's future over a drink. grab a beer and a napkin or trace to sketch out ideas for projects generated from our recent scavenger hunt.  this informal charrette is open to everyone and is a great way to share your ideas - maybe one of them will be our next project!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Images from our ReStore field trip

On Tuesday we went to see Habitat for Humanity's current ReStore location in Washington, PA. Then we went to their new location, a former grocery store in Washington, PA, which is under construction. Check out the photos and start brainstorming design ideas for ReStore's new space!

ReStore field trip photos
ReStore field trip photos 2

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Check out Photos from our Scavenger Hunt...

At our September meeting we will discuss projects that came out of the Scavenger Hunt and next steps. In the mean time check out some of the images teams found...

First Annual Scavenger Hunt

Monday, July 12, 2010

AFH:pgh Scavenger Hunt

If you're interested in forming a team for our first annual scavenger hunt on July 24th contact us at: afhpittsburgh@gmail.com

Don't let the 'architecture' fool you all are welcome, hope to see you there!

Cameron Sinclair is coming to PGH!

Thursday, October 28th 2010
IBEW Lecture Hall5 Hot Metal Street, South Side
When Sustainability is a matter of survival: Building a more sustainable future through professional design.
This event is part of the Design Dialogue Lecture series at La Roche College.

AFH Chapter Network

Check out our chapter network page:


and become a part of AFH:pgh

OR contact afhpittsburgh@gmail.com

Make a Difference: Sponsor a Day of Design
