Our next EVENT will be on:

2.26.2011 - 1-4pm

The Charles H. Johnson Urban Organic Garden Farm Stand Charrette

at The Martin Luther King Jr. Reading & Cultural Center, 636 Herron Ave. Pittsburgh 15219

afhpittsburgh@gmail.com to be added to our email blasts.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

1st Annual AFH:pgh Scavenger Hunt!

I spy with my little eye...a vacant lot? a community garden? the need for a bus shelter? lack of trash/recycling bins? public art?

Join us as we explore our city in a quest to identify the good, bad, and ugly...and pass it along! Hope to see you in July.

AFH:pgh T-Shirts Coming Soon!

We are screen printing!

AFH:pgh will be fund raising with handmade vintage t-shirts, check back soon!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Lawrenceville Fence Project

AFH Pittsburgh is working with a Lawrenceville resident to design a fence and outdoor art gallery in Upper Lawrenceville (see map for location) in a existing vacant lot.
The lot is 42' wide x 110' long and currently overgrown.

The resident would like to clean up the lot and offer an area for local artists to install outdoor work. A new fence is needed at the top of the lot and serves as a place for the community to view the outdoor artwork.

We have met several times as a group to work out options.

This site rendering is our plan for the lot.

Below are ideas for the fence on Holmes Street.

Solid Core Doors with Openings Cut Out.

Interactive Community Art Fence.

Graphic Printed on Outdoor Fabric.
Recycled Milk Jugs as Planters.

Our next step is a final charrette (informal design brainstorming session) to refine one scheme.

For anyone who is interested in joining the design process and learning more about the project we are meeting June 7th at 7pm, Crazy Mocha in Lawrenceville for another charette.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

why we do what we do

How does anything get done in this world? Someone has to have a vision, believe in the cause and be motivated to act. When AFH was founded in 1999 by Cameron Sinclair and Kate Stohr, it was nowhere near the internationally recognized nonprofit that it is today. They had a vision, strong belief and commitment, and motivation to act. Ten years later...and AFH is still growing and has changed lives through our built environment.

When us few designers got together in the summer of 2009 to launch a Pittsburgh chapter of AFH, one of the first questions we asked each other was 'why?' Why did designers of varying backgrounds and disciplines all feel compelled to volunteer time, engage the community, and work toward a brighter future with regards to our surroundings?

now we pose the question to you? 'why?'

why are you motivated to positively impact our communities through AFH?
why is change necessary?

please comment on this post, we would love to get to know you better as we work to further develop our chapter.


and we're blogging!

AFH:pgh is officially blogging! stay tuned for news about what we're up to, design news in the 'burgh, and general good times about doing good things!

